Taking the train from Paris to Luxembourg is a journey full of exciting sights, sounds, and tastes. The trip from Paris's Gare de l'Est to Luxembourg's Gare Centrale takes only three hours and twenty-five minutes and covers a distance of 273 kilometers (170 miles). During the trip, you'll pass through a number of cities and towns, such as Metz, Thionville, and Arlon.
At the Gare de l'Est, you'll be able to explore a variety of food stalls that feature French delicacies, such as crepes, macarons, and baguette sandwiches. You can also pick up souvenirs and gifts from the boutiques that line the station.
During the trip, the countryside will slowly transition from the bustling cityscape of Paris to the lush forests and rolling hills of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. As you pass through Metz, you'll be able to take in many of its churches, monuments, and cobbled streets. You'll also get the chance to explore the medieval town of Thionville, a former stronghold of the Dukes of Luxembourg.
Once you arrive in Luxembourg, you'll find yourself in the vibrant and cosmopolitan city center. A popular tourist destination, Luxembourg City offers a variety of attractions, from the old city center to the Bock Promontory fortifications. From the Gare Centrale, you'll be able to take in the sights and sounds of the city by foot or via the city's tram and bus system.
Exploring the journey from Paris to Luxembourg by train is an experience that will stay with you forever. Whether you're looking for a quick getaway or a longer journey, the stunning scenery and incredible sights along the way make it a trip worth taking.
Поїзд Париж - Люксембург
Тривалість: середній час у дорозі 2 год. 20 хв. Подорож найшвидшим поїздом 2 год 01 хв.
Квиток: Ціна залежить від типу квитка, класу та тарифу. Звичайна ціна від €30.
Потяг: Прямий.
Відстань: 372 км.
Зупинки: Мец, Тьонвіль.
Paris is a city that needs no introduction. A dream destination for many people, it offers an incredible mix of historical and architectural sites, delicious food, and culture. What could be better? Planning a perfect trip to the captivating French capital can be quite a challenge, with so many attractions and attractions. Whether you want to spend a week, a month, or just a weekend exploring, you can easily find a way to spend time in Paris that suits your budget and interests. Here is a list of seven must-visit sites that should be at the top of your list when it comes to planning a trip to this fabulous city.
Tower Eiffel is probably the most famous monument in Paris. Located at the center of the city, it offers the most incredible views of the Parisian skyline. Tickets cost around €25. Insider tip: visit the tower in the morning to avoid the touristy crowds.
Louvre Museum, the world's largest art museum, is an absolute must-visit. It houses almost 500,000 works of art and is home to the famous Mona Lisa painting. Tickets cost €17 and the museum is open everyday except Tuesdays.
Notre-Dame Cathedral is the oldest church in Paris and its impressive architecture has inspired many writers. Free entry is allowed inside, but you will need to purchase tickets to visit the tower.
Jardin du Luxembourg is a beautiful garden known for its stunning flowerbeds and historical statues. Free entry.
Arc de Triomphe is a monument that stands proudly at the center of the Champs-Élysées. Entrance is free.
Les Catacombes is an underground ossuary that holds the remains of over six million people and is an interesting place to visit for history lovers. Tickets cost €11.
Sacré-Coeur Basilica is located at the highest point in the city. It offers fabulous views of Paris and is free to enter.
When it comes to food, no trip to Paris is complete without trying the amazing dishes. From crepes to macarons, there is something to suit every taste. Be sure to head to a local boulangerie to try some real Parisian delicacies.
Whether you decide to stay for a week or just a weekend, Paris will offer an unforgettable experience. With its stunning architecture, incredible culture, and delicious local food, there is something for everyone in this magical city.
Cheese, castles, and cobblestone streets - a visit to Luxembourg is a trip through Europe’s most delightful destinations. Whether you’re keen to explore Luxembourg’s historical sites or sample the country’s delicious local cuisine, there’s something for everyone. With its central location in the heart of western Europe, Luxembourg is the ideal destination for travelers looking for a unique, immersive experience. Here’s a list of the seven must-visit historical and architectural sites and what to eat when in Luxembourg.
Grand Ducal Palace: This is the official palace of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and remains a key cultural hub in the city. Visiting the palace is free, and opening hours are 8am-4pm. Inside you’ll get to experience luxurious, gothic-style interiors, as well as a breathtaking view of the Alzette and Petrusse valleys.
Casemates of Luxembourg: This complex of underground tunnels was built in the 17th century and served as a fortress during the Napoleonic wars. It is located in the UNESCO-listed city centre, and the entrance fee is €6.50. Visitors will find tunnels, bunkers, and some stunning views of the city from the top of the fortress walls.
Bock Casemates: Also located in the city centre, the Bock Casemates are a network of tunnels built in the 10th century. It is said that this incredible fortress once housed up to 30,000 people, and is the most visited tourist attraction in the country. Entrance fees are €7.40, and opening hours are 8am-7pm.
Notre-Dame Cathedral: This intricate Gothic-style cathedral is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the most well-known and well-preserved religious building in Luxembourg, and has been standing since 1613. Entrance is free, and a guided tour can be booked in advance for a €6 fee.
Pattiserie Levallois: Visiting Luxembourg is not complete without sampling some of the country’s delicious pastries. Pattiserie Levallois is a must-visit for anyone who’s looking to taste some of the best pastries in the city. From the traditional kugelhopfs to the decadent éclairs, there’s something for everyone here.
Alzette Valley: The Alzette Valley is a nature reserve located in the south of Luxembourg and is the perfect spot for a day trip. Here, visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the river, or take a tour of the many castles and monuments that line the valley. An entrance fee of €4 per person is required to access the park.
Luxembourg City History Museum: Located in the heart of the city, the museum provides an in-depth insight into the history and culture of Luxembourg. The museum has a range of interactive displays and exhibits, as well as a cafe. There is an entrance fee of €7 for adults, and it is open from 10am-6pm.
A trip to Luxembourg is guaranteed to be a memorable one. From the historical and architectural sites to the delicious local cuisine, there’s something for everyone in this charming European city. So go explore and experience all that Luxembourg has to offer.
Paris Gare du Nord: Gare du Nord is 18 Rue de Dunkerque, 10th Arrondissement, Paris, 75009. Tel.
Luxembourg Central Station: Place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg. Tel. +352 2489 2489.
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