Experience the Rails of the Bologna-Verona Route!
Taking the train is one of the most iconic and enjoyable ways of traveling from Bologna to Verona. On this route, you'll witness some of the most stunning scenery, historic towns, and cultural attractions of the region.
The trip between Bologna and Verona takes just around two hours on the high-speed Frecciarossa train. Departing from Bologna Centrale, you will pass through Modena, Mantua, and Bussolengo on the way to Verona Porta Nuova Station. You will also pass through lesser-known destinations such as Finale Emilia and Rubiera, providing ample opportunities to explore and marvel at the beautiful countryside.
The total distance traveled is approximately 153 km (95 miles) and you can also enjoy breathtaking views of the Apennine Mountains as the train speeds through the hills of Emilia-Romagna.
If you are looking for a getaway with plenty of Italian charm, then the Bologna-Verona route won't disappoint. You can get a glimpse of the past and present as you journey through the enchanting small towns of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.
Upon arrival in Verona, you can explore the vibrant streets, browse through the markets, and enjoy some of the most iconic Italian dishes. Not to be missed is the magnificent Roman arena, the imposing Gothic architecture of the 14th-century Castelvecchio, and the exquisite Piazza delle Erbe.
Whether you take the Frecciarossa high-speed train or the slower regional trains, you're sure to have a memorable experience as you travel from Bologna to Verona.
Enjoy the stunning scenery, explore historic sites, and get a taste for Italy's delicious local cuisine along the way!
Поїзд Болонья - Верона
Тривалість: Середня тривалість поїздки 1 год. Поїздка найшвидшим поїздом 50 хв.
Квиток: Ціна залежить від типу квитка, класу та тарифу. Звичайна ціна 10 - 30 євро.
Потяг: Прямий.
Відстань: 145 км.
Зупинки: Модена, Мантуя.
Welcome to Bologna, the beautiful city in Italy renowned for its stunning architecture, quaint cobbled streets, and incredible cuisine. For a unique and memorable experience, take time to explore the world-class cultural sites and historical attractions, and enjoy some of the best gourmet food in the world. Get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime journey to the heart of Bologna!
Piazza Maggiore: Start your trip in Piazza Maggiore, the grand square at the center of Bologna. This piazza is a must-see, with its impressive architecture from the Middle Ages. Keep an eye out for the historical palaces, churches, and fountains that dominate the square, including the City Hall in the middle, the Neptune Fountain, and the Basilica of San Petronio. Here, you can also try some of Bologna’s classic dishes, like tagliatelle al ragù and tortelloni al prosciutto.
The Two Towers: No trip to Bologna would be complete without visiting the iconic Two Towers. These leaning bell towers date back to the 12th century and are a symbol of the city. Take the time to explore Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, the square which they stand in, and enjoy the breathtaking views from the top. Before you leave, visit one of the many restaurants nearby to enjoy hearty Italian fare.
The University of Bologna: Founded in 1088, the University of Bologna is the oldest in the world, and its hallowed halls are filled with history and architectural beauty. The university is a great place to explore and even take a guided tour. It is also home to some of the world’s best museums and art galleries, such as the Pinacoteca and the Teatro Anatomico.
San Colombano Church: San Colombano Church is an impressive 12th century church located just outside the city. It features the most original Romanesque-style architecture in Bologna, with an impressively large dome. The church is also home to a variety of important artwork, including sculptures and wooden reliefs.
Santo Stefano: The Santo Stefano complex is a must-see when traveling to Bologna. Located in the center of the city, it consists of four churches built between the 11th and 18th centuries. It is surrounded by a tranquil garden, making it a peaceful place to explore and take in the stunning architecture.
The Asinelli and Garisenda Towers: The Asinelli and Garisenda Towers are two of the tallest structures in the city, and their sight is truly mesmerizing. The Asinelli Tower stands at 97m, while the Garisenda Tower is shorter at 47m. Both towers offer sweeping views of the city, so be sure to take some time to take in the scenery.
Eat Bologna’s Food: Bologna is renowned for its amazing food, so be sure to sample all the classic dishes. Make sure to try typical dishes like lasagne, passatelli, and tortellini, all of which can be found in local restaurants. You can also find some of the best gelato in the world here!
Bologna is a city full of history, culture, and amazing cuisine. Whether you’re looking to explore the stunning historical sites, take in the views from the Two Towers, or sample the local dishes, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful Italian city. Enjoy your stay and explore the wonders of Bologna!
Verona, Italy is a must-visit destination for lovers of history and architecture. From ancient Roman ruins to stunning Renaissance architecture, this city has it all. There’s something special about walking through the cobbled streets and discovering all that this city has to offer. Here are seven of the best places to visit in Verona, from must-see attractions to lesser-known sites and the best local food and drink.
Arena di Verona: This huge Roman amphitheater is one of the best-preserved in the world. Dating back to the 1st century, it’s still in use today for concerts and shows. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history and marvel at the intricate frescoes. Location: Piazza Bra, hours: 9am - 5pm, entrance fee: €7.
Juliet's House: This 14th-century house is believed to be the home of Juliet from William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Adorned with a bronze statue of Juliet and love letters written to her, this house has become a symbol of romantic love. Location: Via Cappello 23, hours: 9am - 7pm, entrance fee: €6.
Castelvecchio: This 14th-century castle was home to the della Scalas, a powerful family in Verona. Take a tour and marvel at the Gothic architecture, the secret courtyard, and the outstanding views from the walls of the castle. Location: Corso Castelvecchio 2, hours: 8am - 7pm, entrance fee: €6.
Piazza delle Erbe: This beautiful piazza has been at the heart of Verona since Roman times. It’s a great place to people-watch and visit the vibrant market stalls. Don’t forget to try the traditional espresso with a twist: bicerin, a mix of espresso, chocolate and cream. Location: Piazza Erbe, hours: 9am - 7pm, entrance fee: free.
Giardino Giusti: This stunning Renaissance garden is a tranquil oasis in the city. Visit the insulated paths and take in the colourful blooms and fountains. Location: Via Giardino Giusti 4, hours: 9am - 8pm, entrance fee: €10.
Scaliger Tombs: Pay homage to the Scaligers, a powerful family that ruled Verona for 300 years. Look for the striking marble tomb sculptures and visit the nearby museum to learn more about their fascinating history. Location: Piazza dei Signori, hours: 10am - 6pm, entrance fee: €2.
San Zeno Maggiore Church: This ancient church is a must-see for Romanesque architecture fans. Look out for the impressive bronze doors and the stunning frescoes inside. Location: Piazza San Zeno, hours: 10am - 5pm, entrance fee: free.
Verona is a city brimming with culture, history and amazing food. Take your time to explore the cobbled streets, discover hidden gems, and feel the romance of this beautiful Italian city.
Bologna Centrale: Piazza Medaglie d'Oro, 5, 40121 Bologna BO. Tel. +39 051 205811.
Verona Centrale: Piazza Giulietta 1, Verona. Tel. +39 045 8005151.
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