If you're looking for an adventure during your next holiday, look no further than the journey between Augsburg and Strasbourg by train. This beautiful, picturesque journey will take you through two of Europe's most beautiful cities, as well as a host of other picturesque towns and scenery. With a journey of about 5 hours, you'll cover a distance of around 287 miles (462 km), passing through some of the most iconic towns and villages on the way.
The journey starts in the city of Augsburg, located in the south-east of Germany. Upon departure, make sure to keep an eye out for the Augsburg Town Hall, one of the most important buildings in the city and the perfect place to take some pictures. Once on board, you'll pass through a host of different towns and cities on the way to Strasbourg. Most notably, these include Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden, Offenburg, Freiburg, and Lörrach.
When you arrive in Strasbourg, you'll be able to explore some of the city's most iconic attractions, such as the Strasbourg Cathedral and Petite France. Another must-see is the Palais Rohan, an 18th century palace that now houses a number of museums and galleries. Make sure to take some time to explore the narrow streets of the old town, where you'll find a number of charming cafes, bars, and restaurants.
The journey from Augsburg to Strasbourg by train is one of the most beautiful in Europe. You'll take in some stunning views on the way, as well as discovering some of the most iconic attractions in both cities. So why not take the plunge and embark on this unforgettable journey? You won't regret it!
Поїзд Аугсбург - Страсбург
Тривалість: Середня тривалість подорожі 3 г. 30 хв. Подорож найшвидшим поїздом 3 год 30 хв.
Квиток: Ціна залежить від типу квитка, класу та тарифу. Нормальна ціна €30 - €90.
Потяг: прямого поїзда немає. Потрібен трансфер.
Відстань: 250 км.
Зупинки: Мюнхен, Штутгарт, Карлсруе.
Located in Bavaria, Augsburg is the third-oldest city in the country, and its rich history and stunning architecture make it an ideal travel destination. Whether you're looking for historical sites from the Roman Empire or modern attractions like theaters and parks, Augsburg has something for everyone. Here are seven must-visit sites when you're in town:
Augsburg Cathedral: Built in the 11th century, this cathedral is one of the oldest in Germany and is a mix of late Romanesque and Gothic styles. It's located in the center of town, just a few steps from the Rathausplatz station. Entrance is free, and it's open on weekdays from 8:30am to 6pm. Be sure to get here early to beat the crowds.
Augsburg Town Hall: This iconic city landmark sits in the city center and is the home of the city government. It was built in medieval times and is now a living monument of Augsburg's political history. It's open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm and is free to visit.
Maximilian Museum: If you're looking to get an intimate look at Augsburg's history, this is the place to go. It houses a large collection of Roman and medieval artifacts, as well as a library containing books from throughout the centuries. It's open daily from 9am to 5pm and admission is €5.
Schaezler Palace: Located in the city center, this Baroque palace was once home to a powerful family of merchants that wielded tremendous influence in the city. The interiors and furnishings of the palace are a true reflection of the city's opulent past. It's open daily from 10am to 5pm, and tickets cost €7.
Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan Synagogue: Built in the 17th century, this synagogue was the oldest active synagogue in Germany until its destruction in 1938. It was rebuilt in the 1990s as a tribute to the Jews who were persecuted in Augsburg. It's open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, and admission is free.
Augsburg Zoo: Located on the outskirts of town, this popular zoo is home to more than 2,000 animals from all over the world. Visiting the zoo is an ideal way to spend a leisurely afternoon. It's open daily from 9am to 6pm, and tickets cost €13.
Fuggerhäuser: These ornate and lavishly decorated homes were built in the 16th century for Augsburg's powerful Fugger family. The homes are now open to visitors and offer a unique insight into the city's history. They are open daily from 10am to 5pm, and tickets cost €7.
Whether you're looking to explore Augsburg's historical sites or get a taste for its modern culture, there's something for everyone in the city. If you're looking for a unique and exciting travel destination, Augsburg is the perfect choice.
Strasbourg is one of the oldest cities in Europe, with amazing historical and architectural sites that attract visitors from around the world. A visit to this city is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Here are some of the must-visit sites and many tasty treats to try while you're there.
Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg: This 12th century Gothic cathedral is one of Strasbourg's main tourist attractions. It's located in the historic center of the city and is the seat of the Archbishopric of Strasbourg. It has an impressive interior featuring stained glass windows, tombs of prominent figures, and altars covered in gold. There are no entrance fees, and the cathedral is open to visitors from 8:00am to 7:00pm daily.
Strasbourg National Theater: Built in 1831, this theater is one of the oldest public venues in Europe. It is home to the Strasbourg Opera Company and hosts a variety of performances, from plays to dance recitals. The theater's architecture is a unique blend of neo-classical and neo-baroque elements. Tickets for the performances can be purchased online or at the theater's box office.
Bartholdi Museum: Opened in 1889, this museum is dedicated to the life and work of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the famous French sculptor who designed the Statue of Liberty. Located in the Palais Rohan, the museum houses a collection of sculptures, drawings, photographs, and memorabilia related to Bartholdi's life. The museum is open from 10:00am to 6:00pm daily, with a reduced fee for children.
Place Gutenberg: This public square is the heart of Strasbourg, with its iconic Renaissance-style fountain and statue of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press. The square is a popular gathering place for locals and visitors alike, and has a vibrant atmosphere with restaurants and bars. There is no entrance fee, and it's open year-round.
Ponts Couverts: These three towers and two fortified bridges are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is one of the last remaining medieval fortifications in Europe, and offers a glimpse into the city's turbulent past. It's open to the public and has no entrance fees, so make sure to take a walk across the bridges and explore the towers.
Tartes Flambées: This is one of Strasbourg's most popular culinary treats. It is a thin flatbread made with bacon, onions, and crème fraiche, and is usually served as an entrée. It is a delicious and unique way to get a taste of the city's culture.
Beer of Strasbourg: This beer is brewed in small batches in Strasbourg and is known for its unique flavor and aroma. It is a popular accompaniment to the many local dishes, and can be found in most bars and restaurants in the city.
Visiting Strasbourg is an experience you will never forget. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and incredible architecture, no two days are ever the same in this amazing city. Make sure to visit all the sites listed above, and enjoy all the delicious local treats Strasbourg has to offer.
Augsburg Hauptbahnhof: +49 (0) 821 516 10 or +49 (0) 99E 35 66 84 33, or visit the website augsburg-hbf.de.
Gare de Strasbourg: 15-17 Place de la Gare, 67000 Strasbourg. Tel. 03 88 36 34 42.
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